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Children can be registered via portal

December 23, 2018. National Information Technologies JSC informs of launching a new public service called “Registration of children under 16 at the place of residence”.

The service is delivered to a child`s parents via the use of digital signature on portal. 

The service is available at “Citizenship, migration and immigration” section > “Registration and deregistration” tab.

To obtain the service, you need to click “Order service online” button, fill in the form indicating a child`s IIN, purpose of staying, reason of registration and whether you are an owner of real estate, where a child will be registered. 

If an applicant is an owner then s/he should indicate a region or address registration code and sign an application using digital signature.

In case if real estate owner is a third party then an applicant should indicate an owner`s IIN, address and send an application, which will be forwarded to an owner`s Personal Cabinet (if there are several owners, it will be sufficient to indicate only one of them as others will be automatically identified by the system through Real Estate Register national database). The owner (one or several) confirms his/her consent using digital signature and after that an application is forwarded back to a Personal Cabinet of an applicant and s/he needs to sign an application by using digital signature. 

Afterwards, an application is forwarded to the system of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RoK and it takes 10 minutes to process it and then the status of processing can be viewed on the portal. It is possible to check registration address by obtaining an abstract of residential address for a child.

It should be reminded that previously, the service for registration of children under 16 years old was delivered only in “Government for Citizens” front offices. 

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National Information Technologies JSC is the Operator of e-Government ICT infrastructure and of Government agencies’ Intranet, performs system engineering maintenance of information systems in both central and regional government agencies, and is responsible for securely storing the information in national databases (“Individuals”, “Legal Entities”, “Residential Address Registry”, “Real Estate Registry”, “e-Licensing”, ‘e-Vehicle Inspection”). Front office activities is related to e-Government portal ( and Open Government (, App, @EgovKzBot Telegram bot, and Integrated Call Center of the RoK 1414.

For further information:

National Information Technologies JSC

12/1 D. Kunayev str., Astana, Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7-7172-740596