Signing an employment contract in eGov mobile

A new service is available in the eGov Mobile application for organizations registered on the portal. Now users can sign labor contracts with their employers not only on paper, but also from their smartphones.
To sign an employment contract online, the employer creates a draft electronic employment contract in his personal cabinet on the portal Then, when the draft contract is submitted for approval directly to the employee, the eGov Mobile application will send a push notification to the user with an offer to sign the contract. The contract will be displayed in the «Notifications» section under the «Signature Requests» category. The user confirms their identity with a short password, or biometrics. After familiarization with the employment contract, if the employee agrees with its terms, he/she can sign the document using his/her NCA.
The employer, in turn, receives a notification from the system in his personal cabinet on the portal The employer can sign the electronic labor contract using NCA or QR. The system automatically sends the signed electronic employment contract for registration in the Unified System of Accounting for Employment Contracts (ULARS), after which the contract is considered to be concluded.
Note that if a user does not have the mobile application installed, but has registration in the Mobile Citizens Database (MCD), he/she will receive an sms-message from the number 1414 with information about the receipt of a new notification with a link to download the application. Since the launch of the service, about one thousand labor contracts have been signed.
The new functionality of the service was launched thanks to the joint work of the Public Services Committee of the of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Information Technologies JSC.