e-Gov Payment Gateway Integration
If previously one had to visit a bank, today services can be paid online via the following options:
- Payment for tax and other mandatory payments to the budget using e-Gov portal, mGov web-application,Taxpayer`s Account,CSC IIS, e-Licensing national database, Judicial Account, State Assets Register web-portal of State Property and Privatization Committee under Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other government agencies` information systems, second-tier banks, “KazPost” JSC and online requests;
- Service for paying of fines for traffic and administrative violations;
- Service for paying for public utility services in Almaty and Astana;
- Service for paying for mobile communication;
- Service for replenishing deposit/credit account in “ZhylStroiSberBank Kazakhstan” JSC;
- Service for repaying of debts on enforcement proceedings in “KazPost” JSC.
32 second-tier banks and “KazPost” JSC are connected to e-Gov Payment Gateway services. Interaction of e-Gov Payment Gateway with government agencies` information systems is performed in compliance with the following documents:
- The Rules of e-Gov Gateway and e-Gov Payment Gateway Integration with Information Systems, which were approved by the Resolution of Acting Minister of Investment and Development of the RoK as of January 28, 2016, No. 104;
- The Rules of Providing Information to Government Agencies and Courts Regarding the Payments and Transfers Made, Especially On the Ones Connected With Paying to the Budget; Allocation of Mandatory Pension Contributions, Mandatory Professional Pension Contributions, and Paying for Public Services, which were approved by the resolution of Minister of Information and Communication of the RoK as of December 9, 2016, No. 276.