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The e-Government Portal

The e-Government Portal ( was launched in April 2006. At the initial stage, the website provided only information on public services. Over the years, the website has been transformed, work has been carried out to launch socially significant services and payment services on the e-Gov Portal. Apart from personal data, "Military Service Status", "Electronic Health Passport", "Employment", "Electronic House Register" sections and other information about the user are available at Personal Account.

Purpose: reducing the corruption factors when delivering public services to the population by excluding the interaction of citizens with government agencies and by increasing the transparency of the activities of government agencies and reducing the red-tape when citizens and business structures request public services. The idea is to switch to the provision of composite services based on the one stop-shop principle, i.e. when only one request from a user is needed to get services online with no need to visit several departments and when proactive service mechanisms are available, which means that there is no need to apply for the services at all.

Advantages: online delivery of public services has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, it saves time and resources. Secondly, it is convenient and easy for people both from rural areas and cities as well as outside the Republic of Kazakhstan to obtain public services. Every year, new socially significant public services are automated on the e-Gov Portal for the convenience of citizens.

Achievements: in 2019, on the 25th Anniversary of Kaznet, the e-Gov Portal became the winner of the "Best State Online Project" award. Pursuant to the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Address of the Head of State to the People of Kazakhstan as of October 5, 2018 "Increasing the welfare of Kazakhstanis: increasing incomes and quality of life" for the transfer of public services to electronic format, more than 90% of public services on the e-Gov Portal were automated.

  • 10th place in the UN Online Service Index (UN EGDI OSI subindex 2024) (1st place among the CIS countries);
  • 24th place in the UN E-Government Development Index (UN EGDI 2024) (1st place among inland countries);
  • 6th place in the SUBINDEX PSDI (World Bank GTMI - Group «A») 2022.