Integrated Information System for Citizen Service Centers
The integrated information system of the Public Service Centers (hereinafter referred to as the PSC IIS) is designed to automate the process of providing services to the population (individuals and legal entities) through the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company “State Corporation “Government for Citizens”, as well as relevant ministries and departments.
Project implementation timeline:
- 2008 - initiation (creation) - stage 1;
- 2010 - trial operation - stage 2;
- 2011 - commercial operation - stage 3;
- 2012–2013 – development of IIS PSC
- 2014-2018 - support of IIS PSC
The goal of the project is to improve the quality of public services provided to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the Public Service Center.
The purpose of creating the IIS PSC is to increase the efficiency of the work of the Public Service Centers by accelerating the processes of providing services to individuals and legal entities. Increasing the convenience of citizens receiving the services of state bodies is a priority for the development of public services. Automation of the provision of services to the population will create the necessary prerequisites for the transition to a qualitatively new level of state planning and control in this area. The introduction of an integrated system for automating the activities of Citizen Service Centers will significantly increase the efficiency of the PSC, will allow building a powerful and flexible system for managing citizens' appeals in the "one-stop" mode, will speed up the process of processing requests from the population and will organize advanced monitoring and control over the implementation of regulations. At the same time, the PSC IIS will become an organic addition to the already implemented solutions for automation of the PSC and will allow the most effective implementation of the “one-stop-shop” principle for any state body interacting with citizens through the PSC, becoming a single point of access and information management for the provision of services to the population. Thus, the problem of optimizing the activities of state bodies is solved.