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Online questionnaire for prelimary detection of COVID-19 symtomps available in eGov Mobile app

National Information Technologies JSC and Ministry of Healthcare of RoK have implemented an online questionnaire service for preliminary detection of COVID-19 symptoms without visiting a medical organization in eGovMobile app (e-Gov Portal). 

The online service for coronavirus symptoms self-diagnosis is located on the homepage of eGovMobile app as a button “COVID-19 symptoms questionnaire” and available in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English). 

To fill in the questionnaire, citizens need to answer “Yes/No” to 12 simple questions and if required, an additional field will also need to be filled in.  Afterwards, click “Submit questionnaire” button. All the filled-in questionnaires will be directly sent to Ministry of Healthcare of RoK.

Also, citizens can track the situation related to virus distribution on the territory of the country and familiarize with answers to frequently asked questions.

"FAQ about COVID-19" service is also located on the homepage of the app as button and contains information about frequently asked questions about virus, such as: what is coronavirus, is there a vaccine available and so on. 

"COVID-19 Map" service reflects updated and reliable information on the number of infected citizens as well as citizens who contacted with the infected ones in real-time mode thanks to direct integration with Ministry of Healthcare of RoK.