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Checking for the foreign travel ban and for administrative fines is possible at Telegram-bot

07.02.2019. National Information Technologies JSC informs of launching 4 services at the Telegram messenger - @EgovKzBot.

From now on, using the bot, citizens can obtain:

•  information on incoming and flowing funds owned by a depositor to the Accumulated Pension Fund;

•  information on the status of pension savings (with investment revenue taken into account) of a  depositor to the Accumulated Pension Fund;

•  information whether there is a foreign travel bun in the register of debtors to whom foreign travel is restricted and in the register of debtors under enforcement proceeding;

•  information on whether a person has committed an administrative offence.

The online information obtainment mechanism is quite simple and it saves citizens’ time substantially.

To use services in Telegram messenger in your gadget, you need to sign on in the Mobile Citizens database, i.e. tie your phone number in your Personal Cabinet on the portal. Then start the bot (by entering into the search field @EgovKzBot). By sending the pre-defined commands, select the needed service, enter the required data and confirm receiving the service through entering the one-time password which was sent to your mobile number.

To date, the number of automated public services accessible via Telegram bot has reached 24.

It is worth reminding that previously the capability of obtaining the above services was provided on the e-Government Portal,

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NIT JSC is the Operator of e-Government ICT infrastructure and of Government agencies’ Intranet, performs system engineering maintenance of information systems in both central and regional government agencies, and is responsible for securely storing the information in national databases (“Individuals”, “Legal Entities”, “Residential Address Registry”, “Real Estate Registry”, “e-Licensing”, ‘e-Vehicle Inspection”). Front office activities is related to e-Government portal ( and Open Government (, App, @EgovKzBot Telegram bot, and Integrated Call Center of the RoK 1414.

For further information:

National Information Technologies JSC

12/1 Kunayev st., Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7-7172-740916, 740596 

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