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Consent or refusal for donation can be provided via portal

An online capability is available on that enables granting a consent or refusal for donation of tissues or organs for transplantation. 

To obtain the service, one needs to sign in using digital signature or one-time password and select the service “Registration of consent or withdrawal of consent for intravital voluntary donation of tissues (part of tissues) and (or) organs (part of organs) after death for transplantation” in “Healthcare” section. Then, a user needs to select an application type: “Registration of withdrawal of consent” or “Registration of consent”. 

“In May, amendments were introduced to the law which got a great response among citizens. To date, considering the feedback, the service was introduced which enables granting a consent or refusal for withdrawal of organs. Previously, one had to visit an out-patient clinic, where he/she is registered whilst today this can be done online” commented Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.

In case of consent registration, a user can select certain organs for transplantation, which are indicated when submitting an application via portal.