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Government agencies` websites transferred to the single platform of web-resources

17 ministries, 48 committees and 10 local executive agencies were transferred to the single platform of government agencies` web-resources.

Main information about a government agency and its structural units is published in the public domain on their official web-resources. The number of such websites amounts to hundreds, for instance, those are websites of ministries, their committees and departments, websites of akimats of regions, districts, villages and other agencies. 

The single platform of government agencies` web-resources united all the websites of government agencies and became a one-stop solution for obtainment of information and interaction. In my view, we performed a   herculean task and facilitated the process of interaction between citizens and government”told Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.

The single platform of government agencies` web-resources has sections for all the government agencies considering their structural and territorial units and work is in progress on filling those sections with content. The total amount of sections is about 900.

Single design with updated structure, convenient navigation and facilitated provision of information make it easier to search for it. Government agencies` news, reference information, documents, laws and regulations and much more are available on the single platform in 2 clicks without transfer to other resources.

Using the service “Question-Answer” users can ask questions to government agencies without application of digital signature and receive answers on the single platform of government agencies` web-resources.

The project is designed and supported by National Information Technologies JSC. Currently, the work is done to update the single platform of government agencies` web-resources capabilities along with transfer of government agencies` services.