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The Head of the UN Digital Government gave his assessment of the level of digitalization in Kazakhstan

Today in the capital the management of JSC "National Information Technologies" met with the Head of Digital Government of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of NIT JSC Aset Turyssov told about all projects implemented under the state program "Digital Kazakhstan", among which: The e-government portal –, Open Government Portal, Egov Mobile application and chat bots in Telegram, Facebook, VKontakte, etc. Aset Turyssov told in brief about the principles of each project and answered all questions of the guest.

Mr. Vincenzo was particularly interested in security and feedback issues. He was encouraged by the fact that everyone can interact openly with public bodies through the Open Government Portal and by the process of providing responses, which is regulated by law. In addition, he was pleasantly surprised by the implementation of the "Digital Documents" service in Egov Mobile.

Summing up Vincenzo Acuaro has noted that NIT moves in the right direction and has given the high estimation to the done work. In addition, he advised creating a new platform to take into account not only the needs of users today, but also to think about the long term, and thus be able to anticipate what users may need in the future.