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NIT projects highly appraised by global experts

On the session ofInternational Expert Council for Digitalization devoted to the topic “Capabilities of artificial intelligence and data for achievement of global sustainable development goals”, Chairman of the Board of National Information Technologies JSC, Asset Turyssov, presented NIT projects among which were e-Gov Portal (, Egov Mobile app, Integrated Platform of Government Agencies` Internet Resources (IPGAIR) and Smart Data Ukimet. Asset Turyssov highlighted that the projects were implemented under the “Digital Kazakhstan” national program and aimed at increase of public services delivery quality as well as provision of transparency and safety.

Global experts highly appraised achievements of Kazakhstan in the field of electronic government development, and also paid attention to the timely application of artificial intelligence elements.

As it was noted by Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the RoK, Askar Zhumagaliyev, Kazakhstan aims to proceed with automation of public services and major efforts are done in the field of databases integration, teaching IT skills and Big Data development.