Service for adjustment of data about family available in the eGov Mobile app

Kazakhstani citizens can adjust data in documents when checking the vital records in the eGov Mobile app. The new service enables updating data on birth, marriage and divorce, adoption, paternity testing, change of name (for oneself), death.
To make sure that the data on the civil status acts is digitized and stored in the Civil Registry Office information system, one can send scan copies of documents via the eGov Mobile app.
For instance, when checking a birth certificate for a child, an incorrectly specified entry is found about a child (surname, name, patronymic, nationality, date of birth, data about mother and father), it is possible to adjust the data by attaching scan copies of documents.
Also, a similar service is available on the portal. Since the launch, over 83 thousand people have adjusted their data.
"It happens sometimes that during public services obtainment, incorrect family data is provided by Kazakhstani citizens. For example, a child is not displayed or on the contrary, data on someone else's child appears. In such cases, it is necessary to update the data in the Civil Registry Office information system. This can be done via without visiting the agency. Now this service is also available in the eGov mobile app," said Rostislav Konyashkin, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.
To use the new capabilities, you need to open the eGov Mobile app. Then:
- open the "Services" tab;
- in the catalogue of services find "Birth, marriage and death" – "Updating information in Civil Registry Office IS";
- select a vital record type;
- click "Search";
- if the data is not displayed, click "Update information" button (if the data is displayed, click "Current information" button);
- sign the service.
The service delivery result is information on adjusting data in the Civil Registry Office Information System on the status page.
It should be noted that the updates were implemented under the framework of the Presidential Decree on the De-Bureaucratization, the importance of which lies in digital transformation and system re-engineering of all the spheres of public administration.