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Submission of documents for college admission available on the portal

Users can submit an online application for acceptance of documents in the organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education on the portal. The launch of the service will speed up and facilitate the application process for admission to colleges and other educational institutions.

The users can now select the language of instruction and the region of study when submitting their documents. The list of required documents has been significantly reduced. During the application process, the portal displays information about the education received (certificates and diplomas from educational institutions), the applicant's grades and the overall grade on the certificate. It is also no longer necessary to attach supporting documents for certain categories of benefit-entitled citizens. The system will automatically display additional information about an applicant during an application submission (the disabled of I and II groups, orphans and children left without parental care, etc.).

In addition, users have the opportunity to track an application status and withdraw it if necessary. It should be noted that an applicant can only submit one application, with the possibility of choosing up to 4 specialisations in 4 different colleges.

To submit an application, an applicants needs to:

- log in on the Portal;

- go to the "Education" section and select the "Colleges" category;

- select from the list of services the required category of the document "Acceptance of documents in the organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education";

- fill-in all the required fields and upload files;

- sign the service using a DS;

- familiarize yourself with a notification on the application processing status in a personal account, which will be sent within the specified time period.

The service was automated and launched by the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, NITEC JSC and "Taldau" National Center for Research and Education Assessment named after A.Baitursynuly.