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Meeting of National Information Technologies JSC employees with deputies of Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place in the capital

Today, National Information Technologies JSC management presented its projects to deputies of Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely to members of “Nur Otan” political party Sapar Akhmetov, Pavel Kazantsev and Dzhamila Nurmanbetova. 

Deputy Chairman of the Board Yergazy Omarov told about the Company`s activities in general and about such implemented projects as portal, Integrated Call Center (1414), chat bots in Telegram, Facebook and VKontakte, etc. Moreover, Deputy Chairman of the Board Akhan Sarmanov presented the capabilities of Egov Mobile app. The guests became particularly interested in the project and were glad to ask direct questions and offer suggestions on how to enhance the solution. In general, the meeting was held in friendly environment.  

Deputies of Mazhilis marked the importance of work that has been done and wished luck in implementation of new projects aimed at enhancement of public services delivery quality. 

It should be reminded that today 273 services are available on e-Gov Portal, 47 services in Egov Mobile and 20 services in chat bots.

The meeting was hosted by NIT JSC and headed by Deputy Director for Information Technologies Center in Nur-Sultan and Chairman of “Nur Otan” initial party association Boran Dyussenov.