Targeted social assistance available to citizens in proactive format

Now, the government offers Kazakhstani families to get targeted social assistance in a proactive format without the need to provide any documents. Recipients of targeted social assistance receive a notification through an SMS from
Recipients are notified on the right to receive targeted social assistance. The notification is sent as SMS from 1414. The targeted social assistance is provided to citizens who comply with the the criteria contained in the state databases. How it works:
1) an automatic message from 1414 will be sent to a person entitled for targeted social assistance;
2) a person sends his/her consent in response to the message, indicating IBAN bank account;
3) after receiving an answer, the e-Gov Portal ( sends information about a recipient to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the assignment of benefits.
It is important to note that only those citizens who are registered in the Mobile Citizens Database will receive messages.
"A citizen no longer needs to visit CSC or apply online through Under the Invisible Government concept, we minimize the need for citizens to contact government agencies. Thus, since September 1, 2022, 57 thousand people have already received SMS from 1414 offering assistance from the state" said Rostislav Konyashkin, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.
Service delivery term:
• 15 working days, day of request submission is not included into a public service delivery term.
Service delivery result:
SMS message from 1414 to a mobile phone number with the status of execution (positive or negative). More information on the the proactive service delivery result can be found in the eGov Mobile application in "Notifications" section or in the personal account on the portal.
Also, once can apply for the targeted social assistance via portal and eGov Mobile app.
Proactive delivery of the service became possible thanks to the Digital Family Map of the Smart Data Ukimet project, which allows, based on the analysis of data on 30 parameters, to assign relevant state support measures for citizens who find themselves in a difficult life-situation.
At the annual V International Digital Forum "Digital Almaty 2023", Jong-Sung Hwang, an international expert in the field of big data and President of the National Information Society Agency (NIA), which is the e-Government operator in South Korea, was highly impressed by the achievements and highlighted that "Smart Data Ukimet project is one of the best data-driven public services in the world".
The service was implemented thanks to the integration of information systems of the Public Services Committee under MDDIAI of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Information Technologies JSC and Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.