Single e-Workflow System of government agencies (SEWS)
Improvement of efficiency and transparency for government agencies` documentation management through unification of departmental and interdepartmental technological processes of documentation support:
- reducing delivery time for electronic documents;
- reducing time for registration and search of documents;
- arranging business processes for the documentation management of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- guaranteed delivery of electronic documents (electronic notification on delivery is sent to a sender).
The number of electronic documents sent through SEWS by central and local executive bodies is 80.34 % and 79.90 % respectively.
In order to implement Clause 62 “Transfer of government agencies to cloud workflow” of Action Plan for implementation of “Digital Kazakhstan” State Program approved by the Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of December 12. 2017, 65 government agencies (24 central ones, 38 committees, 1bureau, 2 bodies under Property Management Directorate of RK), 280 local branches of government agencies, 2 local executive bodies were transferred to cloud workflow until March 18, 2021.
Number of users connected to cloud workflow exceeds 17 000.
Currently, transfer of all the government agencies to cloud workflow is in progress.