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  • Service for vehicle history check available on portal

    Service for vehicle history check available on portal

    Kazakhstani citizens can check all information about a history of vehicle ownership using the «Vehicle History» service on the portal. The service helps users check the history of a car before buying.

    The introduction of this service will help the user to get additional information about a potential purchase and avoid a number of problems in case of discrepancies. For verification, it is necessary to ask the potential seller for the number plate and registration certificate number.

    The «Vehicle History» service provides the following information:

  • Identity cards of Kazakhstani citizens available in Samsung Wallet

    Identity cards of Kazakhstani citizens available in Samsung Wallet

    Kazakhstani citizens have the capability to place a digital version of the identity card from Egov Mobile into the Samsung Wallet electronic wallet. The project has been launched in a pilot mode by the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, the National Information Technologies JSC in cooperation with Samsung Electronics Central Eurasia.

  • Online service for assignment/cancellation of real property address available on the portal

    Online service for assignment/cancellation of real property address available on the portal

    Now users can assign or cancel the real property address online on the portal. The service made it possible to automate the process without having to visit the Citizen Service Centers that previously issued the certificates.

  • NITEC JSC employee shortlisted for GIMI AWARDS in Best Public Innovator 2024 category

    NITEC JSC employee shortlisted for GIMI AWARDS in Best Public Innovator 2024 category

    Askar Sinchev, Head of the International Cooperation Department of National Information Technologies JSC, became a finalist in the GIMI INNOVATION AWARDS in the Best Public Innovator 2024 category. The award is given for innovative ideas and innovations in various fields that have a significant impact on public and government processes.

  • Permission to collect, store, process and sell scrap metal can be obtained at

    Permission to collect, store, process and sell scrap metal can be obtained at

    The service for the collection, storage, processing and sale of scrap metals, as well as waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals has been automated on the portal for legal entities. Permits can be obtained by entrepreneurs throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    The permit is issued within 15 working days. An entrepreneur can obtain a license from local executive bodies at the place of activities execution.

    To get a permit, one needs to:

    - sign in to the portal and go to the "Subsoil" section;

  • Kazakhstani citizens can get housing certificates on the portal

    Kazakhstani citizens can get housing certificates on the portal

    A housing certificate is issued to families in need of housing and with insufficient income to cover part of the down payment on a mortgage housing loan. The portal now offers an online service for obtaining a certificate.

    The certificate is issued subject to the purchase of housing under the mortgage programme approved by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or under the state housing construction programme. The scope and list of categories of housing certificate recipients are determined by local executive bodies.

  • 5 years of eGov Mobile: public services on a smartphone

    5 years of eGov Mobile: public services on a smartphone

    Five years have passed since launching the updated eGov Mobile application. Today, eGov Mobile, which provides public services to approximately 4 million monthly users, reaches every second citizen of Kazakhstan.

    The first version of the app was launched in 2012 and was called mGov. Electronic public services have been introduced, such as receiving address and pension statements, property and encumbrances statements, and a service for paying fines, taxes and state duties. By 2019, about 70 services were provided to the public via the mGov application.