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24 socially important services can be obtained online

The 24 services, majority of which involve assignment of benefits or social assistance to citizens of the country, became available on e-Gov Portal. 

“Taking into consideration the importance of support to vulnerable social groups and considering the current situation, it was decided to return 24 services of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Citizens aimed at delivery of social assistance to citizens into online format. Now, the services can be obtained online” marked Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC. 

To obtain the services, first of all, one need to sign in on the Portal, then select “Online requests” service on the homepage and order a service. Then, in the window that opens, click “Create” button. Afterwards, in the “Public Service Name” field select a required service and fill in the required fields. In “Recipient” field one need to select a government agency from the list. Then, enclose documents stated in a public service standard and sign a request using digital signature. 

Using “Online requests” service one can obtain the following services: Assignment of allowance to care after a person disabled (first group) since childhood, Assignment of state targeted social assistance, Handling of documents for the disabled to provide them with prosthetic-orthopedic aid, Provision of wheelchairs to the disabled, Assignment of state allowance to mothers of large families, etc. 

It should be noted that one can familiarize with the list of required documents and an application sample on the Portal by clicking a link displayed when selecting a service. 

The services can be obtained via the link: