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3 new services in the field of land relations available online

Now, one can estimate cadastral valueobtain information on a land plot condition and approve a plan of land plot under design on portal online.

To obtain the service, a user needs to go to the Portal and in “Real Estate” tab select one of the three services. Then, sign in and fill in a request pursuant to the step-by-step process stated on the Portal. 

It should be noted that one can estimate cadastral (assessed) value and obtain information on  qualitative condition both for his/her land plot and for a territory indicated in electronic plan on the “State Land Cadaster” Automated Information System Portal.

“We were seeking to cover basic information as much as possible and to facilitate the process of request submission. A user should select one item from the list, make a payment, enclose required documents and sign a request using digital signature” commentedAsset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, NIT JSC.

During the process of service obtainment, information on all land plots and territories indicated in electronic plan of “State Land Cadaster” AIS Portal for which an applicant has registered titles is uploaded. In order to submit a request, one has to select one of the plots from the list.

A request will be directly sent to “State Land Cadaster” AIS. One can familiarize with an answer to a request in Personal Account. 

Depending on intended use, plot area and scope of work, a payment sum is calculated, which one can pay for via e-Gov Payment Gateway.

New services are available at the following links:

- Estimate cadastral (assessed) value of a land plot:;

- Provision of information on qualitative condition of a land plot:;

- Approval of a land plot under design based on graphic data of “State Land Cadaster” Automated Information System: