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New healthcare service and new digital document “Electronic technical passport of real property” available in eGovMobile

Now, in eGovMobile app one can find out which medicines and medical products can be obtained free-of-charge during out-patient treatment.  Also, a new digital document is available called “Electronic technical passport of real property”.

“We are seeking to increase the number of useful services for citizens. At the moment, there are 37 healthcare services available on portal and our goal is to implement them in eGovMobile app”marked Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.

Using the new service in the app, one can find out which medicines, specialized medical products and medical devices are provided to citizens undergoing out-patient treatment under the guaranteed scope of free-of-charge medical assistance. 

Toobtaintheserviceintheapp, in “Healthcare” section, oneneedtoselecttheservicecalled“Provisionofmedicines, specializedmedicalproductsandmedicaldevicestocertaincategoriesofcitizens”, indicateaperiodandordertheservice. Within one working day, a request will be processed and an answer provided.

Electronic technical passport in the app is convenient for those who do not have its original copy. User will always be able to demonstrate a document at the place of request. Moreover, the service will offer a document`s owner a capability to open access using QR-code, which will enable a requesting party to verify a document`s validity.

Today, 6 types of documents are available in the app:

·  National ID;

·  Certificate of marriage;

·  Certificate of birth;

·  Certificate of change in name, patronymic, surname;

·  Certificate of divorce;

·  Electronic technical passport.