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The service for granting consent to economic concentration available online at

Now, the service "Consideration of applications for granting consent to economic concentration" is available online at portal.

To eliminate paperwork and improve the quality of public services provision, National Information Technologies JSC in cooperation with Competition Protection and Development Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan automated the public service called "Consideration of applications for granting consent to economic concentration". A service recipient can submit an electronic application online through selecting a necessary subtype on the portal.  Previously, this service was provided only upon provision of documents in paper.

The service is intended for individual entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities who have established or intend to establish an economic concentration.

Since the beginning of the year, 75 applications have been submitted to Competition Protection and Development Agency for consideration and 43 applicants have received consent.

The service is divided into 3 subtypes, an online application can be submitted by the following link:

Economic concentration include transactions and other actions, implementation of which has an impact on the state of competition.