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196 legal entities got access to 353 services published on "SmartBridge" platform

To date, 353 services have been published and 196 legal entities automated on the “SmartBridge” platform, including: 40 government agencies, 13 second-tier banks, 16 national companies and 127 representatives of private sector.

As it is known, on February 6, 2020, the pilot version of “Smart Bridge” integration platform has been launched that can facilitate interaction between government agencies and businesses, reduce expences for integration thanks to the application of ready-made software tools, which are available free-of-charge on the platform, and also eliminate the red-tape between government agencies.

“A government agency can only sent an electronic request to another ministry via the platform instead of submitting a documents package and waiting for approval for months. Now, time between the moment of request submission and obtainment of an answer is up to 5 days. Also, SmartBridge has enabled government agencies and businesses transparently sending to another government agencies of requests on connection to their services and publish their data exchange services under the G2B/B2Gprinciple”, told Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.

Under the pilot project, meetings were held with government agencies and private businesses in Almaty and Nur-Sultan in order to demonstrate the portal and inform on the principles of the platform operation and its advantages. During the lockdown, all the meetings were held online and during the meetings, comments and suggestions were provided by government agencies and private businesses on how to improve the “SmartBridge”. Currently, analysis is performed of the suggestions and technical works are expected soon on their implementation. The major suggestions were as follows: deployment of OpenAPI; new capability to submit a request for creation of a new service; increase in the number of options in a request to conduct integration activities, etc.