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A Single centralized tool for gathering, analyzing and forecasting big data have been presented to the President

On March 4, 2020, the President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev held a meeting related to digitalization of Kazakhstan in the course of which Smart Data Ukimet data analytics system was demonstrated.

On a present day, there are 10 specific cases have been implemented and 41 information systems for government agencies` have been connected. , It is planned to increase the number up to 100 with automatizing obtainment and displaying all key socioeconomic indicators by the end of the year. Along with that, there are plans to cooperate with government agencies in creating analytical solutions and cover 15 areas with implementation of about 50 specific cases. 

«SmartDataUkimet is the project which enables gathering information from all government agencies and various sources and thereby the project might provide a unique opportunity to generate analytics and perform socioeconomic forecasts by using artificial intelligence algorithms. What is more important, it will allow getting information without mediators, that is the most reliable, updated and timely information» - marked Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC.

Big data analytics is a required condition for development and optimization of the country`s economy. On a current stage, the admitted managerial decisions based on data analytics already allowed achieving considerable results in organizational and economic areas. Currently, over 10 cases have been implemented in the fields of healthcare, finance, education and social protection and total economic impact amounted to over KZT 187 billion.