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Submission of request to amend erroneous data on real property available online

A capability to make an amendment in case of any mistakes in “Register of Real Property” National Database Information System became available on e-Gov Portal. 

“Previously, to make an amendment to data on real property one had to visit CSC, so we decided to facilitate the procedure by users to inform on an error via ordering the amendment service and enclosing a copy of entitlement document” marked Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, National Information Technologies JSC. 

To obtain the service, one need to sign in on the Portal, then go to “Citizens” section on the homepage, select “Real Property” category, then click “Housing relations” and select the service “Amendment of erroneous data on real property in “Register of Real Property” National Database Information System and order the service online. 

It should be noted that there is a capability to select one of the two types of erroneous data amendment:

— Making amendments to the entry on the title for real property based on entitlement document;

— Making amendments to address and cadastral number of real property unit.

To submit a request, one need to fill in a phone number, select one of the real property types, its address and after its verification in “Register of Real Property” National Database Information System one need to enclose documents in pdf, jpeg, jpg format, fill in a document number and its date. Then one need to sign a request using digital signature or one-time password. Upon successful processing of request, a notification on a request execution will be sent to a personal account by a government agency. 

The service can be obtained by the following link: