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855 lawyersand 674 legal advisers ready to provide a professional legal assistance to each citizen online

Singe information system of legal assistance “e-Zan Komegi” is a tool using which each citizen can obtain a professional online and free-of-chargelegal assistance. Lawyers and legal advisers, in their turn, obtain state-of-the-art tools to check data about individuals and legal entities within legal actions. Moreover, the system enables accelerating the process of evidence gathering as well as facilitating interaction with government and non-government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

“Singe information system of legal assistance “e-Zan Komegi” was developed by National Information Technologies JSC under implementation of the “Digital Kazakhstan” national program in execution the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Legal Activities and Legal Assistance” commented Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, NIT JSC. 

Pursuant to the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, each citizen has a right to obtain a professional legal assistance during civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. The right for obtainment of free-of-charge legal assistance guaranteed by government in the form of legal information distribution is available to all individuals and legal entities.