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Abstracts from narcological, psychoneurological, antituberculosis dispensaries can be obtained via @EgovKzBot

January 24, 2019. National Information Technologies JSC informs of launching three services of Ministry of Healthcare of the RoK via Telegram Bot (@EgovKzBot).

Now, using the Telegram Bot citizens can obtain the following services:

·  Abstract from narcological dispensary;

·  Abstract from psychoneurological dispensary;

·  Abstract from antituberculosis dispensary.

The abstracts are provided free-of-charge.

To date, the number of services available through Telegram Bot has achieved 20.

It should be reminded that through @EgovKzBot it is also possible to obtain statement of residential address, abstract on individual`s participation in other legal entities, abstract of no criminal record, abstract on availability/non-availability of real estate and abstract of registered title (encumbrances) to real estate.  

Moreover, information can be requested on the amount of standard pension payment and social status.

To obtain the services, you should register in Mobile Database of Citizens; it means that you have to bind your phone number to Personal Cabinet at portal and find the bot in Telegram on your gadget.

Afterwards,sending fixed commands and confirmations using SMS code, you can request abstrats and information with the capability to send those to users` e-mail.

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National Information Technologies JSC is the Operator of e-Government ICT infrastructure and of Government agencies’ Intranet, performs system engineering maintenance of information systems in both central and regional government agencies, and is responsible for securely storing the information in national databases (“Individuals”, “Legal Entities”, “Residential Address Registry”, “Real Estate Registry”, “e-Licensing”, ‘e-Vehicle Inspection”). Front office activities is related to e-Government portal ( and Open Government (, App, @EgovKzBot Telegram bot, and Integrated Call Center of the RoK 1414.

For further information:

National Information Technologies JSC

12/1 S.Kunayev str., Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7-7172-740596