By the decision of the meeting No. 1 as of December 7, 2023 of the Working Group on the Formation of the Public Council of the National Information Technologies Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter: Working Group), acceptance of documents for participation in the competition to enroll to the Public Council of National Information Technologies JSC (hereinafter: Public Council) was announced on January 22, 2024.
Due to the lack of candidates from among representatives of non–commercial organizations and citizens, National Information Technologies JSC (hereinafter: Company) announces an additional competition to enroll to the Public Council with a deadline for documents submission until April 2, 2024 inclusive.
Citizens and representatives of non-profit organizations who wish to participate in the competition should submit the following documents personally or send them to e-mail indicated below within ten working days from the publication date:
- A written proposal of a non-profit organization and (or) a declaration of candidacy for the Public Council drawn up in any form (Appendices 4 and 5);
- Information about a candidate's professional and/or social activities including autobiographical data (Appendix 6);
- Statement of no criminal record;
- A certificate stating availability/absence of mental and behavioral disorders (diseases), including those related to the use of psychoactive substances.
Send the documents to the following e-mail::
In the subject line, please indicate “Member of the Public Council under NITEC JSC”.
Postal address: 55/15 Mangilik Yel ave., Yessil district, Astana, 010000.
Contact phone number: +7 7172 70 16 65 (ext. 6237).
Documents are accepted on working days under prior appointment: from 9.00 AM to 06:30 PM.
Lunch break: 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM.