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“Digital Bridge” International Technological Forum took place in the capital of Kazakhstan.

“Digital Bridge” International Technological Forum took place in the capital of Kazakhstan.  Leading IT specialists and technological entrepreneurs gathered on the single dialogue platform to share experience and innovative solutions in the field of digital development. National Information Technologies JSC participated in the Forum as sponsor. 

Within the Forum, NIT JSC management held a number of meetings with foreign companies with which they discussed cooperation issues and plans for implementation of joint projects.

Besides, NIT JSC had its exhibition stand where our specialists demonstrated the operation of such projects as eGov mobile and chat bots in Facebook and Vkontakte throughout the two days and where everybody had a chance to familiarize with the products.  

Moreover, as part of  Digital Bridge Forum, contest for technological startups took place called “Astana Hub Battle”, where Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board, NIT JSC, participated in the award ceremony of the battle winners and handed the 3rd prize to “Antidolg” project while Deputy Chairmen of the Board Akhan Sarmanov and Daulet Bekmanov were invited as jury members.  The major goal of the event is search for the best technological startup projects and their reward with financial prizes for business development.