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Digital commissioners introduced in Kazakhstan

Specialized group, which will keep track of “Digital Kazakhstan” national program implementation was established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the RoK. It is comprised of digital commissioners selected from public figures, journalists and bloggers.

Digital commissioners are an independent observers, who will voluntarily track government agencies` projects and initiatives implemented under the “Digital Kazakhstan” program and provide comments and suggestions related to public services and CSC operation from the perspective of citizens. 

“Substantiated criticism is a force for progress. Each message and each comment is an opportunity to get a new angle on the work and enhance it. As you might know, our Ministry is a coordinator for the national program, which is implemented by all government agencies. That is why we want to see a complete picture on digitalization, including comments and suggestions. I hold meetings with the IT companies but feedback from service recipients is also required”, Asskar Zhumagaliyev, initiator of the establishment of digital commissioners, told. 

On the first meeting, the attendees shared their observations on the digitalization projects in the country and made suggestions on the ways to facilitate e-Gov services and CSC operation.

As part of the meeting with digital commissioners, Asset Turyssov, Chairman of the Board in “NIT” JSC, demonstrated an updated e-Gov mobile app, which significantly facilitates the process of public service delivery. 

On the following week, we are going to launch a beta-version of an updated e-Gov mobile app, which will enable obtaining public services almost in one click. Your comments and feedback are crucial for us”, the Minister told addressing to digital commissioners.

Meanwhile, everyone who is interested might participate in the testing of eGov mobile beta-version, which will become available by the end of the next week in Play Market and AppStore. Comments and suggestions might be sent to or to an official eGov accounts in social media.

Wrapping-up the meeting with digital commissioners, the Minister extended his gratitude for their social activism and informed that he is determined to conduct follow-up meetings with them to discuss topical issues. 

The first digital commisioners are: Aigul Solovyeva, Lyayla Sultankyzy, Rinat Balgabayev, Orken Kenzhebek, Yevgeniy Kochetov, Rinat Tashkinbayev, Olzhas Satiyev, Diana Okremova, Yakov Fyodorov, Zhanna Mukhamadi, Yerlan Sakenov, Makhabbat Yessen, Timur Bektur.