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Now labor immigrants can get and prolong a permit online

National Information Technologies JSC announces the launch of a new state service 'Issuance and renewal of permits for labor immigrants' on the eGov portal.

Now labor immigrants can prolong a permit online without leaving home. For this purpose, the user needs to enter the number of the permit document and the term for prolongation of the permit on the e-government portal, so that they could check the permit number in MP IS (Information System of the Migration Police Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan). If an initial permit is found in the MP IS, the application will be sent to an employer for approval. After that, the application will be sent to the user for payment. If the payment is successful, a certificate on the prolongation of the permit comes to your personal account from the MP IS.

To receive the service, a user needs to login to the portal, click on the "Request online" button, then fill out the application form and sign it with EDS (electronic digital signature) or using a one-time sms-password.

The result of the service is a certificate "Labor immigrant permit" sent to the "personal account" of the service recipient in the form of an electronic document.

It should be noted that this service was previously provided only by a state body or the Government for Citizens SC NJSC (PSC).