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Number of portal users exceeded 8.6 million

18.02.2019. On the Central Communications Service platform, National Information Technologies JSC summed up the results of 2018 in terms of its major areas, work done on e-Gov portal and plans for 2019. 

The event was attended by NIT JSC Chairman of the Board Asset TURYSSOV, Deputy Chairman of the Board Daulet BEKMANOV and Director for Information Security Department Gani NADIRKHANOV.

In 2018, availability index of information systems supported by NIT JSC amounted 99.95% against planned 99%.

E-Gov portal is a front activity of NIT JSC. For the last 10 years, the number of users increased by almost 800 times. Comparing with 10960 users in 2009, today the total amount of users exceeds 8.6 million.

In 2018, the sum of transactions through amounted to over KZT 18.5 billion.

Over 27.5 million services were delivered to citizens from 235 available public services and 141 thosuand users made 160 thousand quires on 24 e-services through Telegram Bot.

The most popular service through Telegram messenger was issuance of abstract of residential address which was issued over 60 thousand times, while abstract of no criminal record was requested almost 20 thousand times. 

In Kassa24 terminals, 5 portal services were launched for trial operation. 

As part of Digital Kazakhstan national program carrying out, virtual consultant (chat bot) is in the process on being implemented. Currently, chat bot is launched in test mode on portal, portal. As it was highlighted by NIT JSC Chairman of the Board Asset Turyssov, the virtual consultant can answer 299 questions on 33 public services.

Also, mGov application had successfully undergone certification on compliance with information security.  Today, about 90 services are available for citizens through the application and 24 services are available through @EgovKzBot.

In 2018, mGov app was downloaded 1.3 million times and comparing with 2017, the number increased by 58% or more than 2 times. The number of services delivered through the app amounts to over 3.6 million.

In 2019, in cooperation with National Information Security Coordination Center under National Security Committee of the RoK, Security Operation Center (SOC) will be established to respond to cyber security incidents. 

During 2018, 142 930 274 attacks were detected and blocked by security system. The SOC`s key advantage is enhancement of the process for detecting incidents through consistent monitoring and analysis of information security events. 

According to Asset Turyssov, it is planned to implement Smart Bridge project in 2019. 

The project`s objective is to facilitate the integration process between government agencies` and private sector`s information systems, and also system and technical maintenance of government agencies`information systems on the base of back-platform.

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NIT JSC is the Operator of e-Government ICT infrastructure and of Government agencies’ Intranet, performs system engineering maintenance of information systems in both central and regional government agencies, and is responsible for securely storing the information in national databases (“Individuals”, “Legal Entities”, “Residential Address Registry”, “Real Estate Registry”, “e-Licensing”, ‘e-Vehicle Inspection”). Front office activities is related to e-Government portal ( and Open Government (, App, @EgovKzBot Telegram bot, and Integrated Call Center of the RoK 1414.

For further information:

National Information Technologies JSC

12/1 Kunayev st., Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7-7172-740916, 740596