Dear users!
Do not forward messages with codes sent from 1414 to third parties to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.
Offenders can use the code from the message to gain access to your digital data, leaving you vulnerable to fraud.
It should also be highlighted that by transferring your digital signature to third parties, you provide them the capability of a legal signature, and you will be held responsible for the consequences.
- do not share the SMS code from 1414 with third parties;
- do not transfer your digital signature keys to third parties;
- if employees have digital signature keys in an organization, track the withdrawal of such digital signature keys after their dismissal;
- employees responsible for signing official papers should have separate digital signature keys;
- if the flash drive with the digital signature keys is lost, it is not only necessary to issue new keys, but also to revoke the lost digital signature keys;
- when receiving the digital signature keys in the CSC, make sure to change the password;
- do not accept paid assistance in obtaining digital signature keys from strangers.
Pursuant to clause 2 of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on DS, private DS keys cannot be transferred to other persons. Pursuant to clause 5 of Article 640 of the Code, the illegal transfer of the private DS key to other persons entails a fine in the amount of 10 MCI for individuals, and 15 MCI for legal entities.