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Smart Bridge platform presented to public officials and businesses

National Information Technologies JSC presented its Smart Bridge platform in Nur-Sultan and Almaty. Deputy Chairman of the Board of NIT JSC Akhan Sarmanov familiarized public officials and businesses with capabilities and advantages of the platform, major of which involve reduction of terms for documents submission and budget optimization when carrying out integration processes. 

It should be noted that the meeting was held in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and everyone had a chance to ask NIT JSC specialists questions while NIT JSC staffs had a chance to obtain feedback from representatives of government agencies and businesses. 

The Smart Bridge platform attracted interest of the attenddees, who asked a lot of questions and provided positive feedback. 

“The project is very interesting as it can enable businesses to optimize processes and interact efficiently with customers. Everyday our work involves a large number of customers and often we have to request a lot of documents from them, which is time-consuming and creates an additional strain. Thanks to Smart Bridge platform we will need a customer`s IIN only while all the other information will be obtained from the service and based on it we initiate a request.  It will significantly accelerate and facilitate our work”, one of business representatives noted.