Use portal and eGov mobile app to quickly check whether you are banned from travelling abroad

Anyone planning a trip abroad wants to be sure that nothing will interfere with their plans. However, any type of debt can be the cause of travel restrictions. To avoid such situations, citizens can use the portal or the eGov mobile app to check whether they have been banned from leaving the country.
The main reason for restricting the right to leave is the existence of debts. These include unpaid taxes, fines, alimony, utility debts, as well as debts to individuals or legal entities, if they have the appropriate documentary evidence.
To use the service on the portal, the user needs to:
- go to the section «For Citizenry» - «Citizenship, migration and immigration» - «Travel abroad»;
- «Verification on availability of prohibition for going abroad by debtors’ registry, who are restricted to go abroad and by debtors’ registry on enforcement proceedings» and click «Request Online»;
- enter your IIN/BIN and click «Next»;
- familiarize with the verification result on the status page.
To use the service in the eGov mobile application, the user needs to:
- sign in to the eGov Mobile app and go to the «Services» section – «Travel, Life Abroad and Immigration»;
- select the service «Checking a ban to go abroad in register of debtors, who cannot leave the country and in register of debtors under enforcement proceedings»;
- enter your IIN/BIN and click «Check»;
- familiarize with the verification result.
Travel restrictions may be imposed if the amount of the debt exceeds 40 MCI or if alimony payments are overdue by more than 3 months, provided that the court has issued a recovery order. The bailiff's decision, approved by the court, is sent to the Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which blocks the possibility of crossing the border.
The service is provided free-of-charge and is available to both individuals and legal entities.
The existence of a ban can also be checked in the automated information system of the enforcement authorities, in the «Travel ban» section.
The service was implemented thanks to the cooperation of the Public Services Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Information Technologies JSC and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.