Kazakhstani citizens can use the eGov Mobile app to apply for a gas connection

Private house and property owners can now obtain the technical specifications for connecting to natural gas online via the eGov Mobile application. The service is available to consumers of QazaqGaz Aimaq JSC, and is provided to individuals free-of-charge.
The technical specification for gas connection is a document that confirms the possibility of connecting a property to a gas distribution system.
The property owner can use the service. In order to use the service, the user needs to fill-in all the required fields in the application form and confirm the information about the registered property rights.
To get the service, the user needs to:
- log in to the eGov Mobile app and go to the «Services» section – «Real Estate» - «Housing and Utilities» - «Issuance of technical conditions for connection to gas distribution networks»;
- specify the type of object and select the property subject to connection;
- attach the technical passport of an object;
- specify the type of technical condition, the reason for connection to gas supply systems and gas consumption;
- select and add the type of gas equipment, specify the quantity and click «Next»;
- sign an application using Face ID/Touch ID.
If the application is filled out correctly, the service delivery result will be the issuance of technical specifications provided by the gas distribution organization - QazaqGaz Aimaq JSC, or a substantiated refusal.
Pursuant to the applicable legislation in the field of natural monopolies, refusal to issue technical specifications is allowed in the following cases:
- the lack of available capacity, space, network capacity of QazaqGaz Aimaq JSC necessary to provide the required volume of regulated services;
- the absence of QazaqGaz Aimaq JSC networks or other property necessary for the provision of the regulated service.
The service delivery term depends on the complexity of an object: for technically non—complex objects — 5 working days, for complex ones - 10 working days.
The new capability was implemented under the cooperation of the Public Services Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Information Technologies JSC, the Ministry of Energy and QazaqGaz Aimaq JSC.